The photo is of Zach Marchetti in front of the screen presentation showing the QR code for us to vote for our Brevard Zoo as the Best Zoo!
Please vote for our favorite, the Brevard Zoo. It keeps our status at one of the best zoos in the country and helps us raise money for the new aquarium.
Port Canaveral Aquarium Progress
Zach Marchetti visited us again in February of 2024, this time to speak to us about the latest updates on the Port Canaveral Aquarium progress plan. This will be located just across the water from Kelly Park on the southern side of SR 528 /A1A on Port Canaveral property. Many cruise tourists are looking forward to having this Aquarium open so that they can learn about our Lagoon as part of their visit.
He also gave us a virtual tour of the future Aquarium letting us walk through the tube in the giant aquarium and see the many species that will be swimming around you. There will also be a fun children’s play area that will enable them to pretend they are smaller animals swimming through the Lagoon.
Shown also were the special areas where visitors can see them care for the health of the water critters. The Zoo has been working with Sea World and other organizations to care for rescued animals after the critical treatments have been taken care of. There will be multi-faceted areas for large and small creatures as well as simulated Lock areas that will show us up-close the many forms of life in our Banana River.
The aquarium will be geared towards making people more aware of the importance of improving our lagoon. There will be a turtle hospital and a manatee care center. . . and what? Otters!!
“I am otterly excited for this wonderful attraction/experience in our backyard”, says Aili Melton
With a recent additional large donation, the fundraising efforts are now 3/4 of the way to the estimated cost! This means that they hope to start the development of the Aquarium campus in 2024!! They hope they will be receiving more donations now that there are so many groups that have committed.
This will be an amazing Lagoon educational center right in our very own backyard! For the latest information check out https://brevardzoo.org/blog/